Stress, overwhelm and burnout are very common terms right now. The pandemic has been a catalyst with devastating impact on the health of the US workforce but this didn’t happen overnight. The fear and fatigue being experienced have had a cumulative effects on chronic health conditions and coupled with delayed care and undetected conditions there’s been an overall health crisis. Employees are reporting:
As the burnout rate increases and the health of Americans decreases, it’s clearly affecting the way that employees feel about their productivity, job satisfaction and life overall. And as such, the Great Resignation is upon us with more people than ever reevaluating their careers and lifestyle choices. Why does this matter? Huge effects on companies bottom line and employees personal lives. The cost of employee attrition is not sustainable when the cost of replacing an employee can range from 25% of their annual salary to 50% of their annual salary. The stress of the pandemic coupled with anxiety around “return to work” plans is further causing a drop in employee productivity. This leading to depression, anxiety, and many signs of burnout. Is this you? The truth is burnout can be avoided altogether because it doesn’t happen as a bombshell, though it may feel like it. It’s more like a snowball effect that can lead to bigger issues due to ignoring the signs. Things like ignoring initial signs of exhaustion at home or work that many say ‘just comes with the job territory,’ while taking vacations that only temporarily help you vacate from the problems. Or a moment when drinking a glass of wine a week to unwind becomes a glass a day to decompress after daily stresses. Perhaps you’ve even said yes to taking on new projects when your gut is telling you a hard no just so you don’t lose your job. Pressures at work are real. Even though it might look scary there are steps toward recovery that you can implement right now. Here are 3 we highly recommend:
This is just the tip of the iceberg as self-care begins with you, not just your company or organization. We encourage you to dig deeper in discovering where and how life becomes stressful so you can incorporate profound ways to thrive. This article is presented to you by Teany Hidalgo and Debbie Bellenger who are sharing their expertise and years of experience in burnout coaching and corporate wellness programming to provide employer and individual wellness/coaching strategies. Next, we invite you to:
![]() I spent the last 9 days on vacation in my home away from home - Sedona, Arizona. Every time I go I come back refreshed and with an updated perspective on life. What I realized this trip is that you move at the speed you choose. In Arizona it was slow, paced, and almost meditative… from how slow people drive, to the almost majestic red rock and forest scenery, to the way people greet you and live in the moment. In contrast, as soon as I got back to NY, 2 people cut me off on the road, I was surrounded by man-made concrete, and I experienced people speaking fast and wanting things now. Exhausting and a formula for burnout if you ask me! Want to feel more at ease, and present in your own life? Instead of wanting to vacate your life every chance you can take a ‘vacat’ion here are 3 things you can do:
If not, it’s time for a change, time for new ways, new tools, and new surroundings with some help from someone who’s been there and back. >> Ready for that shift? Learn how to work with me 1x1, to go from Burnout to Zen CEO. DM me for an enlightening discovery session. Can you find purpose through chaos? How many situations have we experienced as a society that had brilliance come out the other side? Read on...So many are going through the experiences of anxiety, fear and even depression. I've seen clients of mine go through these emotional changes and wonder what will be the state of the world. So how do you get out of it and come out better than you were before? First, let's put the stake in the ground and say you can absolutely turn pain into passion if you choose. It's just a matter of seeing the flipside of a situation. When you're in the eye of the storm its hard to see, I totally get it. But think about any situation you or we as a society have experienced and the positive elements that have come out of them.
We endured about 30 hours without electricity, many people died but outside of the initial chaos, New Yorkers turned the blackout into a moment of urban solidarity. People started to direct traffic since traffic lights were out; they helped each other out of trapped subway cars; welcomed in stranded colleagues who couldn't get home; restaurants held impromptu cookouts, sharing their food and beer with neighbors. It was an amazing site! It's a small version of the chaos happening now but if there's one thing I know for sure is that these situations show people's underlying MO's. We are social animals who at the end of the day want to connect and help. No matter what the situation. Even now people are zooming, facetiming, delivering food, creating and giving face masks to areas in need, and connecting in so many different ways while offering help and maintaining relationships. Wifi, the internet and electricity in general have been a blessing... seriously! So when asked is using your talent, skills and strengths to serve and contribute to humanity inappropriate or is it even right to pursue your purpose right now? The answer is of course it is! People need you now more than ever! For those blessed to be healthy, which is the large majority, this pandemic, can be used as a great catalyst to catapult you to major growth while you’re staying at home or working at home. It's a rare opportunity to know yourself better, learn the strengths and skills you have, and what motivates and feeds your soul. Stillness and social distancing can truly spark a deep soul searching for many. In the words of Tank from the Matrix "This is a very exciting time! We've got a lot of work to do. Let's get to it." Here are a few people doing just that:
And then there's you...
Are you inspired and ready to do more than watch life unfold? I'd like to offer you an opportunity to work with me. Your purpose can help someone else's life. Contribution to others is the key ingredient when it comes to purpose because you're being of service to others which always comes back to help you. That said here's how: Announcement ON May 23rd, my birthday, I want to give you a gift. I'm launching the digital version of Purpose with Passion Digital Program, at discounted rate and with your purchase you get:
Truth is, I want everyone to find out what they're truly MEANT FOR. It starts with knowing what you're MADE OF - your strengths, talents, passions and learning how to contribute that to the world! My purpose, is connecting you to your purpose. Get on the waitlist and you'll also get a FREE copy of my book chapter - "How to Be a Disruptor", and the 4 part series on how to move past the blocks to your purpose. That series starts on my birthday - May 23rd! With solidarity and purpose, Teany 1. Son's first international trip 2. Rebranded and relaunched Rebranded and relaunched my website as to help those desiring a more purpose-driven life and not knowing where to start. I love that people are growing and understanding the need to not just do what they love but infuse their passions/businesses/careers with purpose - aka the BIG WHY. 3. Launched my first book and VIP Program
4. Met my partner while doing what I love 5. Celebrating 2 years of Ladies Lifting Ladies 6. Knocked off a bucket list item
7. Interviewed 20+ passionate business owners Interviewed at least 20+ purpose-driven and passion business owners since the start of the year for the Purpose with Passion Video Series. It's amazing to watch someone who LOVES what they do, isn't it? It's like they light up a room with their passion. THAT is the feeling we all want and CAN have. Ball is in your court, take the plunge today. 8. Joined an amazing Panel of People
9. Updated my health to next levels 10. Continuing to grow and contribute
... All this to bring excitement, purpose, passion and continue to inspire love, change and growth out in the world.
Cheers to your passionful, purpose-driven and friggin amazing life! Opening the vault to answer Opening the vault to answer some Frequently Asked questions about purpose, coaching and the membership program:
What makes purpose coaching different from career coaching?Career coaching helps you to uncover your interests and next job. Purpose coaching takes you to a much deeper level where we dig into the archives and find what has lit you up in the past, who and what has influenced you and how to connect all those dots to today. We even get into your current environment and how you’ve operated so that we can release things that don’t serve you and learn to operate at your peak potential. Plus you’ll learn tools to help you evolve to even higher versions of you. What is purpose? Purpose is more powerful than passion alone. It’s the broader meaning of your life’s journey rather than a focus on narrow interests. I call it the theme in your life or the thread that has been woven into your life since you were a kid leading you toward specific actions, connections with people and careers. Ultimately its what invokes meaning and connection in your life. Career/jobs are a bi-product of your purpose not your actual purpose. How will a group environment help me?In general, being connected week to week with like-minded people helps keep you motivated and focused. However, it’s all about you and your learning style. Some people work better when they get focused attention and it helps them get more done. Others like group environments where its collaborative, and they can hear other people’s questions and stories. In this membership you will watch the individual classes on your own but then ask questions and get answers in a group environment. I will also be looking at the assignments personally to bring up points that will be useful for all to hear. You can feel free to ask questions in the Q&A sessions about them. Is it too late for me to find my purpose at my age X? If you feel too old, know it’s never too late because as long as you have breath in your lungs you can grow the fire in your spirit. It may even be easier to connect those dots and find the messages leading to your purpose since you have so much to digest and sift through in your life. If you feel you’re too young, know that it’s not too early to start learning what makes you tick and getting your hands dirty trying new things. Learning yourself, your interests, and where you might want to take it is a big part of find your purpose. The answers will come as you learn how to developer your internal GPS. Is this a religious based coaching? Not at all. While there are purpose coaches that are religious in their methodology, this is a non-denomination coaching method, although I feel that connecting to the core of you can be a spiritual experience. That aspect is up to you. What does being purpose-driven mean?The how and what you contribute meaningfully in this inspired life is secondary to the why. This is where people get stuck because they tend to be more centered around the individual contribution – aka mission. The mission is focused on a specific goal like the launch of a product or a program. It has a beginning and an end. Being purpose-driven is being focused on the deeper meaning, the why, and using missions to carry it out. That’s a BIG distinction. What if you feel like you have no purpose or drive?Often people who ask have experienced things that make them forget their true power and this course will help you get that back. In fact the first module is about releasing your history and understanding the stories you tell yourself that might be limiting you from your true potential and purpose Ready to take your life up to purpose-driven levels?
“Let your complaints about problems move you to solutions.” ― Jon Gordon Have you noticed how sometimes scenarios at work, home and your life seem to emerge over and over like patterns until you figure out what you’ve been forced to learn from it? Often new opportunities come from them. That tells me we must find a way to shed some light and see things from a higher perspective. Essentially you have to learn the perspective of your next best self, or you won’t be able to make the leap. This whole “I hate it here, but I can’t leave…” is like a bad relationship. You know you should let it go, but something is keeping you there, and that something means something. Something you have to figure out. It means it’s time to see it a different way and learn from it. It may not be the system thats the problem, it may be you. Learning to become more present and appreciative at work, for example, reminded me to notice all the details that were in fact working for me, not against me, in my search for my purpose. You’re probably using some of the basic skills you’ll end up using in your future endeavors. You get to choose which of those get grouped into your purpose. Whether physical, social, or emotional skills, they have all served you in some way up to this moment. I’m not saying this will be easy or fast. In fact, it took me years before I could give up my internal fight about connecting with my true passion and changing gears from my career without being angry. I even have the shoulder pain battle scars to prove it. But work doesn’t have to be so much work all the time. Resistance isn’t just a mental game where you believe certain things and speak in certain ways, which I was definitely a pro at. It also manifests in our bodies as aches, pains and in the worst case, disease. Disease is in fact a dis-ease with something in your life that is causing you stress and discomfort. Stress is the ultimate form of internal resistance against what is happening in our environment. And most people allow it to overtake their lives instead of exploring the reasons why it even happens. Don’t let that happen to you. After nearly two decades working in Corporate America, I’ve watched the working population, its ups and downs, successes and failures. I’ve seen it in my own career, when I’ve suffered needlessly and wondered whether or not I was in the right place at the right time. I’ve questioned whether I chose the best job for me or the worst one. The struggle is real, but it doesn’t have to be. Learning how to shift my mindset helped me know if I’m making the right choices whether it takes me to amazing heights, or I learn something fresh and new. If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s to trust your gut when your intuition tells you to stop, reflect and choose again. If you can start to see your current situation in a new way, lights turn on in your mind with all the elements that have been serving you and helping you grow. Think about where you are in your life and work now. Can you think of areas that you enjoy? This indicates you might be using a skill or talent you’re good at. Is there a project where you felt recognized, like you’re contributing something of value? Perhaps there have been times people came to you as a subject matter expert to help them solve a problem. Embrace them all until you figure out the details moving forward. Remember it’s not your job, your family or your environment its your perspective of where you are that makes the difference. Ready to upgrade your life with purpose? Grab a free chapter of my new book "Purpose Driven Revolution - Disrupting the rat race to find true meaning".
Some of my biggest lessons came from my 19 year career working in corporate. It wasn’t all sunshine and daisies and there were times I just wanted to quit. Even when you experience pivotal moments like I did in college overcoming depression, it doesn’t mean that you follow your own rules for life all the time. Me= human after all. Believe me, sometimes we want to take drastic measures like quit but those steps don’t always resolve the deeper seeded issues. Us humans can be so hard-headed sometimes and situations can rise again to test the lessons we’ve learned and bring some variety to life. Often with a bigger twist to help guide your next steps and get you out of old mindsets. Sometimes it may seem like a place is just wrong for you, I know. After graduating college I worked at two of the biggest tech companies in the Industry. Gold right? At first it definitely felt like I hit that jackpot especially in light of everything I experienced in college. Who wouldn’t want to be part of a big and fine establishment where growth and opportunity were at every turn. I have to say it definitely was and felt that way in the first 7 years I worked. But after the 8th year of the same types of environments where the biggest goal was the bottom dollar you made for the company, it got really old. In that year, I was soul searching for meaning because work was clearly the devil trying to take my soul for money. I felt at a loss. Not wanting to leave the gig I’d worked hard to make a name in, the friends I’d made, the salary and benefits, plus guess what? Disappointing my family at landing such great jobs! That emotional pull from my family was something I’d felt several times before. It would be so easy to stay but my heart and soul felt it was time for a game changing move. Remember your current situations and how they come up are often a reflection of your past experiences and current beliefs. Sometimes things have to come up again to ingrain that lesson and test the other beliefs that aren’t serving you any more. So this time I actually made the bold move of taking a 3 month sabbatical in order to be present for my dad who at the time had a medical scare, but to also figure out my true desires and future. During the time I had so much physical pain from trudging in to work 5 days a week with a laptop that I swore had 10 bricks built into it from how heavy it was. I had incredibly shoulder pain from it but also from the stress of carrying my own guilt on my shoulders. What if I leave, what if I stay, what does it all mean anyway? What I realized is that work wasn’t the devil, we are our own devils because we make it that way with our thoughts and beliefs. That 3 month sabbatical taught me a lot about choices and freedom and about how much my life was in my hands. I ultimately decided to go to a Massage School open house after having tons of health related conversation with my chiropractor who helped my back. He’s my friend to this day and a big supporter of my work. I even opened up my own Spa and after a while realized that coaching would give me the depth and longevity I needed to help others and bring deeper joy to their lives. I had found the meaning! You remember when I said we are our own devils right? Well it didn’t end there for me. I proceeded to find my exit plan from corporate while hating every minute I was there. Can you imagine leaving your job angry and misplaced then going to help people in a Spa? I was still a bit lost and here’s why. Even though I found a passion in the work, I failed to see the beauty in my history. Growing up I had so much appreciation for everything I had because I grew up poor and in the projects. Well similarly I had to learn appreciation for everything I learned and was given in corporate. This is probably the biggest mistake people make at work. They decide they found something they truly love and then thumb their noses at the opportunities they’ve already had as if they learned nothing. I didn’t mean to disregard my corporate history, but when you’re so impassioned about what you think you’ve found that’s the next best thing you forget how you got there. It’s my own stories of pain and then triumph that ultimately lead me to become a coach today but I was so disgusted with corporate and their money hungry ways that I lost sight of how much I’ve learned and could still learn. So to recap, the biggest mistake people make at work is thinking that their current job can’t teach them anything, or they haven’t learned anything that will help them in their actual mission. Also let’s not forget that you take yourself and that bad attitude with you to your next job. Even though I was doing meaningful work when I opened my Spa I still had the same attitude of feeling boxed in, repeating the same old techniques, on any given day. I stopped seeing the joy in the work and it started becoming actual work, hard and boring work. Not until I started to see the joys the work had, and how I was constantly learning, plus the joy in people’s faces as they felt relief and even happiness in many chronic cases, did I understand that there were jewels in that situation. You just need to dig a little. Part of this journey is tapping into your own gifts and the better I learned myself and my desire to connect with people, and truly contribute to their lives, the more I saw meaning in everything I did even if it wasn’t my ideal job. Sometimes you can’t see the very best that’s available in front of you but at the very least it teaches you what kind of work/energy you don’t want to invest in. Seeing everything as a potential gem in my journey turned an incredibly sour situation into icing on my everyday work cake. I was so inspired by this concept that part of the Purpose with Passion training I created is about deprogramming your thoughts around this very topic. You’ll get to realize how many hard and soft skills we’ve learned and use at work day to day that are teaching you, serving you and sometimes even guiding you toward becoming the person you want to be and the purpose you are headed towards. And get ready because the Purpose with Passion training is about to relaunch in September so you can continue your motivation and get revved about bringing more meaning and joy. In the meantime grab a chapter of my new book on the homepage. Enjoy!
See you on the passionful side,
Now revolution isn’t a war unless you make it one. According to Webster a revolution can be a sudden, radical and complete change that in the case of my book will absolutely be in your favor for a purpose-driven life.
As we get into the meat of this revolution, you’ll start with some good truths and ugly truths about it so you can get the full picture as to why it’s crucial for you to invest in your personal future now. It’s been more important than ever to go after what truly drives and inspires you. Everyone has a purpose and in order to figure it out you have to become that disruptor in your life by going on that journey to discovery. You see the TRUTH is you planned this life, in this way, at this time all along. The fun is discovering where it’s been leading and being more conscious on what you do moving forward. - Teany Hidalgo Are you ready to be that disruptor? The rule breakers become the rulers. We think we have to follow the rules in life, make practical choices and fit in to survive, but the reality is rule breakers have historically been the ones that create the future and truly live. So, this begs the question, what are you doing to live your most authentic and inspired life now? And what kind of disruption can you foster that will connect you to who you truly are and what you’re meant to bring out into the world? If you’re ready let me show you how to take the next steps to become a disruptor and join the purpose-driven revolution. Sign up to get the free chapter of my book - right below. Join the tribe! This group has evolved in the last year to help those driven to live their lives authentically, positively and with purpose on purpose.
We weren’t taught to pursue our deepest passions and meaningful lives, but now is the time to make those lost dreams a reality. This group includes those who joined the Purpose with Passion program, have been on the FB Live show and those inspired to grow in a purpose-driven way. WHAT WE DO Empower people through conscious, positive and forward thinking media and content that will motivate them into action and turn them into global change makers in their own lives and the lives of others. We’re driven by a passion not to settle for the status quo and day to day grind, but a deep desire to be authentic in our pursuit of purpose. Get free workshops, daily content that inspires, live interviews, early access to Purpose with Passion programs and more! Guess what we are half way through 2019 and MAJOR launches are happening August and September so STAY TUNED :) Take a trip that inspires you to come back even better.
I get it, its tough to go to different, exotic, relaxing or more fun place than your own home but the truth is you decide what you do with the energy you experience and take back from where you travel. My experience in Sedona left me so filled that when I came back i was actually HAPPY to be back. Why that instead of wanting to stay in Sedona? Because it sparked realization and and a deeper connection to my values and truths AND PASSIONS of course. I literally came back wanting to kick a$$ and take names but in a deeply helpful way. Here are the 3 major things I learned: 1. My health and how I feel is HUGELY important and affects how I live my life.
I had the opportunity to get 2 massages, visit the sauna 3 times and actually sleep in while I was there. Despite having to get accustomed to the time change it felt amazing to be in this truly energetic town. My body needed it even though I regularly do self-massage and rest on the weekends. It was a healing experience being helped by great practitioners who can find things you simply can't on your own. That goes for any assistance you receive. It's great to do self-development and self-healing but sometimes you just need someone to help you along. I strongly recommend saving and investing in consistent assistance whether massage, energy work, or coaching, PLUS self-care at home. You might even be able to barter with someone has a service. I personally do Qi Gong, work outs, yoga and meditation at home then get massage sessions, coaching sessions outside. It's a complete package of wellness! 2. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who want to get s**t done is a MUST. I went there to uplevel my body, mind and spirit with friends. Imagine that! There's something to be said about hanging out with people that make you feel good because they are also doing great things while improving themselves. Don't take that for granted. And listen, you don't need to go to another country, state or city to find them. I have found people in my back yard town in NY who I resonate with. If you can't find them, its because you're not really looking or open to the possibility. Check your beliefs around that too while you're at it. Then go make some friends you can conquer things with! 3. You create your life from the inside out. Because so many people take a vacation to escape, it had me thinking about this whole time off thing as a whole. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big advocate of quality time with self to refresh but it doesn't have to be a once in a year escapade that requires you to do a lot of coordination. In fact, the more you do smaller things for yourself, the more those outside trips are even more pleasurable and you won't need to escape your life. 'I want to LIVE my life' should be your mantra, not escaping it like its Alcatraz ha! Here's an exercise: create a vision of what you want your life to look like 10 years, 5 years, 1 year, 6 months and 3 months from now. I do this consistently and update it frequently as I add to it, move things, and uplevel my game plan. It's a great way to continuously hold yourself accountable, not in a bad way as if you won't get it done, but in a 'is this the life i want to live' kind of way where you get to choose what you want to create. That is the key. You get to create your life. Then guess what? Sky is the limit and you can carry that passion into your purpose and what drives you from deep within. Most are so sleep deprived, passion deprived and care deprived because of how they've allowed life to unroll itself that they don't get to LOVE their life. I want that for you. Sign up for the 21 Day Passionful Life Challenge to get that engine revved up! Then join me live in my facebook group or set up time to chat. I'd love to hear your story. See you on the passionful side, Teany |
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