Take a trip that inspires you to come back even better.
I get it, its tough to go to different, exotic, relaxing or more fun place than your own home but the truth is you decide what you do with the energy you experience and take back from where you travel. My experience in Sedona left me so filled that when I came back i was actually HAPPY to be back. Why that instead of wanting to stay in Sedona? Because it sparked realization and and a deeper connection to my values and truths AND PASSIONS of course. I literally came back wanting to kick a$$ and take names but in a deeply helpful way. Here are the 3 major things I learned: 1. My health and how I feel is HUGELY important and affects how I live my life.
I had the opportunity to get 2 massages, visit the sauna 3 times and actually sleep in while I was there. Despite having to get accustomed to the time change it felt amazing to be in this truly energetic town. My body needed it even though I regularly do self-massage and rest on the weekends. It was a healing experience being helped by great practitioners who can find things you simply can't on your own. That goes for any assistance you receive. It's great to do self-development and self-healing but sometimes you just need someone to help you along. I strongly recommend saving and investing in consistent assistance whether massage, energy work, or coaching, PLUS self-care at home. You might even be able to barter with someone has a service. I personally do Qi Gong, work outs, yoga and meditation at home then get massage sessions, coaching sessions outside. It's a complete package of wellness! 2. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who want to get s**t done is a MUST. I went there to uplevel my body, mind and spirit with friends. Imagine that! There's something to be said about hanging out with people that make you feel good because they are also doing great things while improving themselves. Don't take that for granted. And listen, you don't need to go to another country, state or city to find them. I have found people in my back yard town in NY who I resonate with. If you can't find them, its because you're not really looking or open to the possibility. Check your beliefs around that too while you're at it. Then go make some friends you can conquer things with! 3. You create your life from the inside out. Because so many people take a vacation to escape, it had me thinking about this whole time off thing as a whole. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big advocate of quality time with self to refresh but it doesn't have to be a once in a year escapade that requires you to do a lot of coordination. In fact, the more you do smaller things for yourself, the more those outside trips are even more pleasurable and you won't need to escape your life. 'I want to LIVE my life' should be your mantra, not escaping it like its Alcatraz ha! Here's an exercise: create a vision of what you want your life to look like 10 years, 5 years, 1 year, 6 months and 3 months from now. I do this consistently and update it frequently as I add to it, move things, and uplevel my game plan. It's a great way to continuously hold yourself accountable, not in a bad way as if you won't get it done, but in a 'is this the life i want to live' kind of way where you get to choose what you want to create. That is the key. You get to create your life. Then guess what? Sky is the limit and you can carry that passion into your purpose and what drives you from deep within. Most are so sleep deprived, passion deprived and care deprived because of how they've allowed life to unroll itself that they don't get to LOVE their life. I want that for you. Sign up for the 21 Day Passionful Life Challenge to get that engine revved up! Then join me live in my facebook group or set up time to chat. I'd love to hear your story. See you on the passionful side, Teany
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May 2022
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